Household items that suddenly and disconcertingly move of their own accord can be a pretty common sight . . . if you're watching a horror movie. But what about when it happens in your home, namely your garage? If your automatic garage door opens and closes by itself, there is usually a fairly straightforward explanation (and solution), so you don't need to start worrying about ghosts. So what are some of the reasons why your automatic garage door can seemingly take on a life of its own?
The Frequency
Have your immediate neighbours gotten a new garage door or had to replace their automatic garage door opener? There is the possibility that their new opener is set to the same frequency as yours, meaning that when they open or close their garage door, they have inadvertently been triggering your garage door, too. You might notice this happening when your neighbour is going in or out of their garage, and it's straightforward enough to overcome this potential security risk. You can easily change the frequency of your automatic garage door opener, and the precise method needed will vary depending on the manufacturer of the unit.
The Controls
Have a look at the two primary controls that are used to trigger your garage door opener. These are the actual activation switch on the wall of your garage and the remote control itself. It might be the case that dirt and debris have accumulated on the wall-mounted control switch, leaving it in a partially compressed position. The circuit, which usually remains open by way of a spring-loaded gate, is only partially open, meaning that the door can be triggered without warning. Safely removing any dirt and debris can return the switch (and the spring-loaded gate that regulates the circuit) to their normal position. You should also check the remote control for any damage that might have led to compression of its activation button.
The Motor
If you've ruled these two possibilities out, it's time to look at your garage door's motor. Using a torch and a stepladder, perform a detailed inspection of the exterior of the unit. You're looking for any bare spots on the wires protruding from the unit. Any gap in the wire's insulation can create a tiny spot where the actual wire might come into contact with metal, whether it's from the garage door's overhead track or even the metal casing of the motor itself. When the bare wire comes into contact with metal, a small electrical impulse can be created, which sends a false command for the motor to start, opening or closing the door seemingly at random. Any company that handles garage door repairs can replace these wires if needed.
When your garage door opens and closes by itself, remember that the cause is going to be far more mundane than ghostly activities, which is obviously a good thing. Garage door repairs are far easier to arrange than ghost busting!
Share14 November 2017
Hello! My name is Roger and this is my new blog. Last year, I had some real problems with my garage door. It kept sticking and wouldn't open when I pressed the button on the remote control. In the end, I decided to have the entire thing replaced. I had never chosen a garage door before. I thought it would be easy but in fact, there are lots of things you need to consider. Thankfully, the garage door contractor I went to was really helpful and explained everything I needed to know. Once I had found the perfect garage door, the contractor installed it. I'm really happy with my new garage door.